
Colin Dudley

Winkfield Parish Council

Colin represents the ward of Crown Wood and Forest Park on the Bracknell Forest Borough Council.

Gerry Barber

Vice Chairman - communications

‘I have lived in the Bracknell and Wokingham district all my life.  I currently live in the parish of Winkfield where I am a Parish Councillor. I am a Governor at a local school and I volunteer to help various local causes.

Bob Johnston

Chairman Bracknell Conservative Association

Bob and his family have lived and worked in Bracknell since the 1970s. They live in Crown Wood and his three sons were educated in our local schools and enthusiastic participants in many of the sporting facilities offered here.

CPF Question Time: Infrastructure, Investment & Devolution

23rd July 2020

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sajid Javid MP, will speak and take questions on this month's CPF national discussion paper, Infrastructure, Investment & Devolution, for half an hour from 6.30 pm until 7 pm. Chaired by Anna Firth, CPF National Director.

Bracknell Conservative Association Post Election Party

13th March 2020
7 PM - 10PM

Bracknell Conservative Association Post Election Party

James Sunderland MP will be Attending

Friday 13th March 2020, Great Hollands Pavilion, 7-10pm


Please can each Branch provide a raffle prize

Bring and Share Finger Buffet