Bracknell Conservative covers the Bracknell Parliamentary Constituency, including Bracknell, Crowthorne, Sandhurst and Warfield.
Every area served by a Borough or District Council is divided up into a number of areas called wards. A council ward usually covers a few thousand households and is represented by two or more councillors, depending on its size. The Bracknell Parliamentary Constituency falls within the area of Bracknell Forest Borough Council, which also some wards in the Maidenhead Constituency.
The Conservative party’s principles
To improve the quality of life for everyone through:
- A dynamic economy, where thriving businesses create jobs, wealth and opportunity.
- A strong society, where our families, our communities and our nation create secure foundations on which people can build their lives.
- A sustainable environment, where we enhance the beauty of our surroundings and protect the future of the planet.