At the meeting of Bracknell Forest Council on November 27th, Cllr Garth Barnard has asked Cllr Roy Bailey (Labour) to report on Special Educational Needs in the Borough.
Special educational needs provision is a significant worry for many in Bracknell Forest. Parents and carers have raised legitimate concerns about the effectiveness of the case management process and difficulties updating Education, Health and Care Plans.
Parents and carers have submitted feedback to the Council, highlighting the need for improvements, the reported overspending of £8m in SEN and the delayed building of a new SEN school at Bucklers Park.
We request the Cabinet Member for Special Educational Needs provides a comprehensive written report on the state of the case management system used by the Council. Specifically, we want to understand how this system supports timely case management and keeps parents, carers and schools informed throughout the process.
Finally, we ask that the Overview and Scrutiny Commission carries out a review of the Council’s Special Educational Needs service, as a matter of urgency.