Tina represents the residents of Crowthorne on the Bracknell Forest Borough Council as well as serving on the Sandhurst Town Council and the Crowthorne Parish Council.
"My family and I have lived happily in the heart of our community since 1989 and are firmly embedded in the fabric of Crowthorne and our Borough.
Since 2003 I have served Crowthorne as a Parish Councillor, Chairman for 4 years, and in 2015 also elected to Borough and Town Councils, using valuable experience gained there to benefit Crowthorne community.
In 2017 I was elected Mayor of the Borough of Bracknell Forest, and as a Board Member of the Fire Authority, my mayoral charity was The Firefighters, raising over £52,000. And, as a Board Member, I have been fully involved in ensuring Crowthorne will have a new fire station, which will also house police and ambulance services, making our community safer.
A great believer in Apprenticeships, I held a forum connecting Borough schools and businesses, emphasising another way our children can get a good start in life.
As Chairman of the Major Development Planning Committee for Parish, I continue to oversee Buckler’s Park and Broadmoor, I will also focus on the new impacting developments, working closely with our neighbouring Borough to ensure these are supported by appropriate infrastructure; and work with, and listen to, our residents for a desirable outcome.
I have a good working relationship with key stakeholders in Crowthorne: CVAG, traders, our schools, Broadmoor, Wellington College; I’m a strong supporter of C.R.O.W.
Let’s work together to preserve and enhance our environment, green space and our future.
A great place we are proud to live in and raise our families."
Want to find out more about what is going on in Tina's ward of Crowthorne?